The Pastor’s Heart 9/25/2015

If you’re old enough, you may remember this.  If not, that’s what YouTube is for.  It’s the early 1970’s ad campaign for Mennen Skin Bracer that featured a slap in the face and the catch phrase, “Thanks; I needed that!”  The ads tried to show that using the product after shaving would wake a man…

The Pastor’s Heart 9/11/2015

9/11/2001.  8:46 a.m.  American Flight 11: 87. 9:03 a.m.  United Flight 175: 60.  World Trade Center: 2,606. 9:37 a.m.  American Flight 77: 59.  Pentagon: 125.  10:03 a.m.  United Flight 93: 40.  Terrorist Hijackers: 19.  All told, 2,996.  Among those: 343 firefighters and paramedics.  23 NYPD officers.  37 Port Authority officers.  Just numbers?  I don’t think…

The Pastor’s Heart 9/4/2015

Ever heard the phrase, “That made my day!”?  Or, “You just made my day!”?  When spoken truthfully, i.e. non-sarcastically, that means something said or done turned a day into a positive one.  But have you ever had a day when everything just seemed to go wrong?  I recently read about a man who was having…