It sounds like an April Fool’s Day joke, but it’s not.  I sure wish it was.  The state legislature of North Carolina just passed (and rightly so) a bill to counter a shocking decision made by the city of Charlotte.  I’m sure you’ve read about that so-called “Bathroom Bill.”  In answer to Charlotte’s transgender-backed ordinance, the new state legislation requires a person to use the restroom facility that corresponds with his/her biological sex as noted on that person’s birth certificate.  Think about that for a minute.  North Carolina needs a law specifically defining who is to use what restroom.  Pinch me.  I must be dreaming.  Or waiting for someone to laugh and yell, “April Fools!”  I thought God’s word took care of that.  King David wrote in Psalm 139:14 that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” by our Creator.  Tie that in with what the Lord Jesus Himself affirms in Mark 10:6: “from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.”  In His love and grace, God reverently made each individual according to His will.  Period.  By the way, disagreement with the LGBT community on these matters is not discrimination.  It is not a lack of love.  It’s just the opposite.  Standing for and speaking the truth of Scripture in the correct way with those who oppose it is love at its best.  It is a reaching out of the highest form, because it mirrors John 3:16 that says, “For God so loved the world….”  We here in Georgia need to remember this, especially in light of the current storm in our own state concerning the recently-vetoed (and wrongfully so) religious liberty legislation.  Christian brother and sister, stand firm for truth.  Speak out.  Be engaged in the battle that is being waged.  But be sure to follow the direction given in Ephesians 4:15, “speaking the truth in love.”  We live in a “What in the world is going on?” time.  This is no April Fool’s Day prank.  Be right with God yourself.  Reach out in love to the lost.  Be that salt and light.