There were ants, bees, butterflies, and boll weevils.  I also saw a few lady bugs, fireflies, and spiders.  There was even a praying mantis and, of all things, a stink bug.  You never know what you’ll find at a kindergarten graduation program!  I was able to attend my grandson’s program this morning, and what a good program it was.  All the “bugs” did a great job, and I know they learned a lot this past school year.  As I thought about that, I was reminded about how important it is to direct a child’s mind, heart, and life in the right direction.  I thank the Lord for the opportunity God has given us here at Berean to instill Biblical principles in young minds and hearts.  I appreciate the teachers and helpers that give their time and energy to work with the children here.  I appreciate the parents who are faithful in keeping their young ones under the sound of the Word.  But you know, a ministry to children isn’t just for their Sunday school teachers or parents; it’s for all of us.  What are you doing to influence a child for the Lord?  A kind greeting, a piece of candy from your pocket, a ride to church, a boost at the water fountain, or just a hug can make a difference in a young life.  How do the children and teens at our church see you?  Why not ask the Lord to give you a ministry with one of them?  It was fun to watch the K-5 graduates receive their diplomas and hear the applause for the good job they’ve done.  But here’s something to think about: one day each one of them will stand before God.  I pray they stand before Him as His child and that they hear the words “Well done.”  Will you have a part in directing them that way?  “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”