“This do in remembrance of Me.”  These words form the foundation of the ordinance Christ established for His church, what we call Communion or the Lord’s Supper, and here at Berean we will observe this blessed time on Sunday morning.  Jesus said that it is a time to remember.  In other words, it’s a time to be reminded and reflect on something we already know and perhaps hear about all the time.  Today’s thought focuses on just one of the many reminders the Lord’s Supper brings to light.  It’s a line found in Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth as he encouraged the believers to a life of purity based on the truth of their redemption in Christ, which he phrases, “For ye are bought with a price” (1 Corinthians 6:20).  The little word “For” means “Because” and assigns a reason to something.  That something is found in the last phrase of verse 19: “ye are not your own.”  Pretty simple statement, isn’t it?  But what a comforting and at the same time challenging truth!  Have you stopped and thought about that lately?  You belong to God, lock, stock, and barrel.  Of course, the Lord will keep His end of the bargain here, but what about us?  How is it we say, “Praise the Lord, I am redeemed by Christ and belong to Him, but…….”  You know what follows the word “but,” and that’s where we get into trouble.  As Adam Clarke said, “Ye have no right over yourselves, to dispose either of your body, or any of its members, as you may think proper or lawful; you are bound to God, and to Him you are accountable.”  In other words, when it comes to my life, since Jesus paid it all, He owns it all.  And for that reason He is worthy of all.  So as we observe the Lord’s Supper this weekend, let’s truly do it in remembrance of what His redemption means for us!