I’m sure you’ve heard the statement, “You can learn from your mistakes,” or something to that effect.  Quite often learning from a mistake is painful.  But for me, this time it wasn’t; it was a blessed lesson.  A week or so ago I was in touch with one of our members who was facing a personal trial, so I thought I’d send a word of encouragement along with a verse of Scripture.  What I meant to write was the reference Isaiah 26:3-4 that talks about God’s peace and strength.  Great verses.  However, when I proofread what I had written, I discovered that I had put down chapter 25 instead of 26.  Glad that I had caught the “mistake,” I corrected the chapter number and sent the message.  A few minutes later, I began to wonder what Isaiah 25:3-4 said, so I looked it up.  And I realized that those verses would have worked just as well, maybe even better!  Listen to what they say about the Lord and His people:  “Therefore shall the strong people glorify Thee, the city of the terrible nations shall fear Thee.  For Thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.”  A mistaken reference?  I don’t think so!  I believe I’ll share it more often in the future.  In fact, I highlighted it in my own Bible for myself, because we all have times when we need God as we see Him in those verses.  Maybe this is one of those times for you.  Isaiah 26:3-4 are wonderful, but if you “mistakenly” read 25:3-4, don’t worry; you’ll find what you need!