The Pastor’s Heart 12/20/2019

It’s something I’d never thought of before.  Perhaps you have, but I haven’t.  Meditating through the Christmas story this morning, I came to Luke 2:16: “And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger.”  It’s speaking of the shepherds, of course, who, once they heard the angel’s…

The Pastor’s Heart 12/13/2019

Memories.  They’re a big part of the Christmas season.  Each year, even though I enjoy the present holiday, the walk through Christmastime always includes a journey down memory lane.  Wonderful memories of my childhood and the love I felt from parents who, even with very limited resources, made Christmas special.  Memories of our first Christmas…

The Pastor’s Heart 12/6/2019

While doing some reading this morning a thought came to me.  It concerns a question that I believe to be often asked but rarely vocalized.  It’s this: does God really care?  Now on a normal day, we might never think that way; but in a moment of burden, trial, frustration, or loss, the doubt about…