The Pastor’s Heart 1/31/2020

There’s a big game this weekend.  You may or may not be interested, but it’s big anyway.  Billions big.  What catches my attention about the Super Bowl isn’t just the game itself; it’s also the amount of money involved, and it bursts through the millions and wades deep into the billions of dollars.  The average…

The Pastor’s Heart 1/24/2020

It comes to the forefront this time every year, but it’s a major issue every day.  I’m talking about what happened 47 years ago this past Wednesday when the United States Supreme Court issued their decision on Roe v. Wade, essentially legalizing abortion on demand.  And you know what is, as they say, “the rest…

The Pastor’s Heart 1/17/2020

It started a couple of days ago and didn’t let up.  A phone call informing me that I had been selected for a “free medical alert system.”  All I had to do was….  Well, I didn’t get that far, because I politely refused and hung up.  Then, another call and another polite refusal.  On about…

The Pastor’s Heart 1/10/2020

Let’s get to the point.  2020.  A new year.  A new decade.  New opportunities.  New challenges.  New blessings.  New burdens.  New highs.  New lows.  New joys.  New heartbreaks.  All just waiting for us.  But keep this in mind:  Same God.  Didn’t He say, “I am the Lord; I change not” (Malachi 3:6)?  He’s still sovereign. …