It comes to the forefront this time every year, but it’s a major issue every day.  I’m talking about what happened 47 years ago this past Wednesday when the United States Supreme Court issued their decision on Roe v. Wade, essentially legalizing abortion on demand.  And you know what is, as they say, “the rest of the story.”  Since then, in the United States, over 61,600,000 unborn lives have been taken.  Take a second and think about that.  Then, understand that it translates to just over 3,500 daily.  Every. Single. Day.  I read that over the last few years, the number of abortions has dropped to under one million annually.  I guess that’s news, but in my opinion it’s still not good news.  So let’s be reminded today of what we can do about abortion.  Be engaged with your elected officials concerning pro-life legislation by expressing your views to them and holding them accountable for their votes on that legislation.  On election day, be informed on the candidates’ position concerning abortion and vote accordingly.  Be involved in having a voice in your community, unashamedly speaking the truth in love about life for the unborn.  It’s a good thing, yet we must do more than just an annual “March for Life” in late January!  But having said all that, and as important as it is, there are a couple of other things we must do that take precedence over all the rest.  Pray for abortion on demand to end!  Pray and keep praying.  And then talk about Life, THE Life.  The One who said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”  Share Christ and His gospel with as many as you can.  The transforming power of the gospel is the power that can end abortion.  Abortions take place in our country every day, not just once a year.  Stay engaged, stay involved, stay informed, and keep sharing the One who is Life!