The Pastor’s Heart 3/25/2022

It’s a choice, a daily choice.  Sometimes it’s easy; sometimes it’s hard.  Sometimes we feel like it; sometimes we feel just the opposite.  Yet, without a doubt, it’s the best way to live.  And not only the best way, it’s the Bible way to live.  King David expresses it in Psalm 145:1-2: “I will extol…

The Pastor’s Heart 3/11/2022

We are definitely not in charge.  Sometimes we think we are….  But nope.  By “we” I’m talking about mankind as a whole.  With the incredible advances in science, technology, medicine, communication, transportation, and a host of other things, we often feel quite dominant.  Very much in control.  But honestly, we’re not.  Two years ago this…

The Pastor’s Heart 3/4/2022

I’m definitely running behind today.  I like to get this note out pretty much first thing on Friday mornings, but today, well one thing after another, and here I am.  Running behind.  Sometimes it’s frustrating, even when I can’t help it (but sometimes I can…).  And I doubt that I’m the only one it happens…