We are definitely not in charge.  Sometimes we think we are….  But nope.  By “we” I’m talking about mankind as a whole.  With the incredible advances in science, technology, medicine, communication, transportation, and a host of other things, we often feel quite dominant.  Very much in control.  But honestly, we’re not.  Two years ago this month, we were sailing along through 2020 and hearing about a virus that seemed to be spreading rather quickly, and then…well, you know how that “2 weeks to flatten the curve” turned out.  And it’s not just COVID.  So much has happened in the last couple of years, it sometimes makes my head spin.  You know what?  We’re not as in charge as we think we are.  So, what do we do?  It’s really quite simple: we acknowledge the One who truly is sovereign.  We take to heart the words of Scripture in James 4:13-15 that ends with the admonition “ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.”  You and I must walk each day in constant acknowledgement of living life in the will of God by the grace of God for the glory of God.  If we don’t do that, it’s easy to fall into the delusion that we’re in charge, which may work for a period of time, but at some point we’ll hit that proverbial wall and realize that we’re not really the boss.  And if we don’t turn to God in that moment, all that awaits is frustration, disillusionment, despondency, and even hopelessness.  So why not admit every day that you’re not in charge and don’t want to be?  Why not surrender all to the just, merciful, good, and loving God and let Him lead, uphold, supply, and strengthen?  Why not let God be God and follow Him, trust Him, and serve Him with all your heart?  After all, He is in charge.  We’re not.