The Pastor’s Heart 3/24/2023

What a difference!  There was no doubt that something had changed, or should I say, something had changed them.  As we’ve begun our Sunday morning studies in the book of Acts, this change has again jumped out at me and challenged me.  I’m talking about Christ’s disciples (minus Judas Iscariot, of course).  Remember?  Remember the…

The Pastor’s Heart 3/10/2023

There is so much we just don’t know.  And so much we can’t know.  We often face circumstances in life and wonder what’s going on?  Why is it going on?  How long is it going to go on?  Did I do anything to warrant this going on?  Sometimes the “what,” the “why,” and the “how…

The Pastor’s Heart 3/3/2023

Spring is in the air!  Literally.  It’s a little early in Middle Georgia this year, but you can see it everywhere.  Yes, I’m talking about the pollen.  That yellow cloud that settles on everything, giving things a noticeably yellow tint.  It’s almost as if you can feel it coating you as you walk outside.  And…