The Pastor’s Heart 5/28/2021

Our country’s history is full of stories of bravery, perseverance, determination, and a no-quit attitude.  From John Paul Jones on the high seas exclaiming, “I have not yet begun to fight,” to General McAuliffe’s World War II reply when the Germans called for an American surrender at the Battle of the Bulge, “Nuts,” our military…

The Pastor’s Heart 5/14/2021

It just got personal.  It got to my Waffle House, and if you know me, you know I love Waffle House.  We’ve all read about, seen, and probably experienced the problems in businesses due to a shortage of workers.  They’ve had to cut open hours, delay services, pay more overtime to those willing to work,…

The Pastor’s Heart 5/7/2021

A Mother’s advice is often the best, and here’s an example.  Susanna Wesley was mother to John and Charles Wesley, men whom the Lord used as preachers of the gospel and writers of hymns we still sing today.  She’s often looked at as a wonderful example of a godly mother, and so she is.  But…