The Pastor’s Heart 9/30/2022

“Look at that sunset!”  Tina pointed it out to me last night, and what a pretty sight it was!  The Lord paints absolute beauty when it comes to sunrises and sunsets, doesn’t He?  But His divine artistry is more than just something to admire; there’s a lesson there as well.  Listen to the Psalmist in…

The Pastor’s Heart 9/23/2022

He was forthright.  He was quick to judge.  He was adamant about silencing others who didn’t walk with him and his crowd.  He was ambitious.  His personality was such that his Teacher gave him and his brother a very telling nickname: “Sons of Thunder.”  I’m talking about the Apostle John.  He, along with his brother,…

The Pastor’s Heart 9/16/2022

Do you believe the Bible is true?  Really true?  All the time true?  Under any and all circumstances true?  I would imagine your answer would be, “Yes!”  And if we believe as we say we do, then it should be a given that we live that way, right?  Ahhh…there’s the problem sometimes.  I was thinking…

The Pastor’s Heart 9/2/2022

It’s encouraging.  It’s challenging.  It’s motivating.  It’s comforting.  And it can be convicting.  But most of all, according to King David, it’s mind-boggling.  He says so as he describes the truth of Psalm 139:1-5.  Here’s how it goes: “O Lord, Thou hast searched me, and known me.  Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, Thou understandest…