It was just about a five-minute walk, but what a contrast it was. In the last “Pastor’s Heart” I told you about Tommy, the heart patient who trusted Christ, and about the joy that filled the hospital room in that moment. A few days ago, I went to see him post-surgery and found him doing well and heading the right direction in his recovery. I left his room and walked to another section of the hospital to another room, and there was the contrast. In this room, I found a heavy burden. Intense sadness. It was very, very quiet. In the bed was the 35-year-old son of a family I’ve known for a long time, and he was in a comatose state. At work, he had fallen about 20 feet and struck his head on the concrete floor. Very little hope was given for his recovery. In fact, the young man passed away the next day. Yes, as I said, quite the contrast. But in many ways, it was the same, too. What do I mean? In both rooms there was hope in Christ. There was peace from God. There was trust in the love of God. There was acceptance of God’s plan. There was the promise of Heaven. And both rooms were bathed with the sense of God’s presence. There’s a good lesson here for all of us. Whether on the mountaintop or in the valley, our Lord can be trusted. And praised. When there is no answer to “Why?” we can still look up and experience the sufficient grace of God. Grace to save Tommy’s soul in one room; in the other room, grace to walk the heartbroken family through the loss of their son and brother. Yes, a contrast in circumstances in those two rooms, yet in both I found the same, unchanging God. So, no matter what room you are in today, the Lord is there. Find what you need in Him.