It’s a pretty simple thought. But it spoke to me a couple of weeks ago, and it keeps coming back to my mind. As simple as it is, however, it can make a profound difference in how I live. This year our theme here at Berean is “Spread the Word,” and we are studying the book of Acts on Sunday mornings and seeing how the early church “Spread the Word” from Jerusalem to the uttermost (Acts 1:8). A couple of weeks back we looked at God’s call to Barnabas and Saul to leave Antioch and go the that uttermost. Acts 13:2 says that “As they ministered to the Lord…” the call came. These two men were actively serving in the church. The word “ministered” here speaks of performing religious functions for the church and public. They were teaching, preaching, baptizing, discipling, fellowshipping, investing in lives, all part of their leadership position there. But, interesting enough, the Scripture doesn’t say they were ministering to the church, the people, or the community. It says they were ministering “to the Lord.” All they did in serving was for the Lord. He was the One they strove to please. He was the One they looked to for motivation and strength. He was their focus for ministry. And by doing that, the Lord greatly used them to serve others and then take the gospel to the world. Paul himself echoed this thought in Colossians 3:23-24: “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.” Do you see it? “Ye serve the Lord Christ!” As believers, yes, we serve others, help others, and strive to make a difference in the lives of others, but let’s make sure we labor and are faithful ultimately because we are ministering to the Lord. This way, in spite of results, in spite of response, or in spite of earthly reward, we keep serving to please Him who matters most. The best way to minister to others is to do as Barnabas and Saul did. “As they ministered to the Lord.”