“Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7).  A great verse.  One we need.  Often.  The problem is that we do what the verse says, and then we undo it.  I’m not talking about the last half of the verse, because if we stop and think just a second, we know God cares.  We wouldn’t do the first part of the verse if we doubted the second.  I’m talking about the “casting” part.  The Bible says we can throw all our cares on the Lord.  Not some of all our cares, and not just all of some of our cares, but all of all our cares (you might want to read that again).  His omnipotent shoulders are more than strong enough to handle everything we throw His way.  You see, sometimes the problem isn’t the casting; it’s the leaving.  The idea of the “casting” in this verse means to do it once for all.  To do it and not pick it up again.  To, as the old hymn says, “Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.”  That’s the part we struggle with.  We get on our knees and give it to God.  And when we get up off our knees, we tend to drag that burden right along with us.  From experience I know it’s easy to take it to the Lord; it’s hard to leave it in His hands.  And so I have to continue to cast, cast, cast that burden on Him and allow Him to build my faith and bathe my heart with the peace of His presence.  Then I find I can leave it with Him and know He’ll take care of it.  And however He takes care of it, I can be sure it’s best.  If I find the worry creeping back in (and it often does), I hand it back off to my Father.  What will you do with your cares and burdens today?