I was determined to avoid it for this “Pastor’s Heart.” Ignore it. Not say anything about it. Anything but that. But here I am turning right back to it and writing about it: Tuesday’s election. As I read the Scriptures this morning, the Lord reminded me of something I’ve tended to forget from time to time in all this election hoopla and its byproduct. All eyes seem to be on the candidates, the polls, the rallies, the commentaries, and the impending doom if one side wins or glorious hope if the other side prevails. Yes, we have the tendency to have our eyes glued on all these things. What a mistake. Now I’m not saying we shouldn’t be informed and involved. We should. But consumed? Overcome? Overwhelmed? No. If our eyes are glued on anything, it should be this. King Jehoshaphat said it well in 2 Chronicles 20:12 as he prayed, “Neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon Thee.” King David added his thoughts in Psalm 141:8. “But mine eyes are unto Thee, O God the Lord: in Thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute.” Charles Spurgeon said it this way, “He looked upward and kept his eyes fixed there. He regarded duty more than circumstances; he considered the promise rather than the external providence; and he expected from God rather than from men. He did not shut his eyes in indifference or despair, neither did he turn them to the creature in vain confidence, but he gave his eyes to his God, and saw nothing to fear. Jehovah his Lord is also his hope.” In other words, watch the news, but keep your eyes on God. Check out the rallies, but keep your eyes on God. Be sure to vote, but keep your eyes on God. Follow the election results next week, but keep your eyes on God. And no matter what those results are, keep your eyes on God. With Him, and only with Him, is where true hope lies.