Death. In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul speaks of it as an enemy, in fact, the last enemy to be destroyed. He also refers to its sting. I have felt that sting, encountered that enemy more times than I care to count, both personally and as a pastor. I’m sure you could say the same thing. As recently as last Thursday I preached the funeral of a dear brother who was a member of the Berean family for many years. And just this morning, Tina and I attended the funeral of family friend. Can I share with you something he wrote that was in his remembrance card handed out at the funeral? It went like this:
My Friend
When I look up to the mountains…
I see HIM.
When I look in the valley…
I feel HIM.
When I face the raging seas…
I trust HIM.
When lightning flashes and thunder roars…
I honor HIM.
When I look up to the evening skies…
I ponder HIM.
When I view a beautiful sunset…
I applaud HIM.
When my world is blown apart…
I know HIM.
When I look at a smiling baby…
I love HIM.
When my heart yearns for Heaven…
I hear HIM.
HE is my Friend…Is He yours?
(Written July 2, 2014 – Ben F. Chiles)
Now that kind of takes the sting out, doesn’t it? In the words of the Apostle Paul, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” Praise God for our Friend!