It just seemed impossible. So impossible, in fact, that all she could do was laugh. God had said she and her husband would have a child, and Sarah was incredulous. Hebrews 11 clearly says that she was “past age.” The Scripture is not as kind to her husband, Abraham, because it says that he was “as good as dead.” Interesting choice of words. Frankly, what God had promised was impossible. Humanly speaking, that is. Yes, Sarah laughed (as Genesis 18 tells us), but when the Lord assured her of His promise, she did something that ought to challenge all of us. Hebrews 11:11 says, “Sara herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child…because she judged Him faithful who had promised.” Her hope for the impossible was not in herself. Remember, she was “past age.” And it certainly was not in her “as good as dead” husband. Her hope for the promise was in the One she knew to be trustworthy, always faithful. The One who had asked her the probing question with the obvious answer, “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” Sometimes we face situations just like Sarah. Impossible. And we laugh because we just don’t know what else to do. Except maybe cry. It’s beyond our capability, and any hope seems “as good as dead.” It’s in those times that we find out how much faith we really have. So, what will you do in your “Sarah moment”? Will you follow her example and “judge Him faithful” no matter how impossible the situation seems? She did, and God came through. He always does.