The rat race.  Wide open.  Non-stop.  24/7.  Then 24/7/365.  All these sayings are just different ways of describing how life can be nowadays.  Before you know it, your days become a rushing whirlwind of activity, sucking you up into an endless vortex of hurry and worry.  It happens to you; it happens to me.  And the worst part of it is that God ends up getting squeezed right out of our schedule.  Especially now as we are about to head into the holiday season, we would do well to remember the story of Martha, Mary, and their supper with Jesus.  See Luke 10:38-42.  Jesus was there!  And Mary took advantage of some quiet, one on one time at His feet.  On the other hand, Martha was completely wrapped up in all the preparations, distracted by all that had to be done.  And frustrated, it seems, to the point that she got upset with Mary’s inactivity and even chided the Lord Jesus for it.  Jesus had to gently remind her that Mary had chosen “that good part” – a quiet time with Him.  To be still like Mary in today’s world requires some on purpose planning.  I guess that’s why I enjoy the outdoors so much.  Sitting in the woods during that last hour of daylight.  Everything quiet, so quiet at times you could almost hear the silence.  The last rays of the sun filtering through the trees.  The rustle of a bird or squirrel in the leaves.  And sometimes even the quiet footfalls of a deer headed to feed.  But best of all, the time to enjoy the presence of the Lord, to talk to Him, to hear His still, small voice.  For you, it may not be the woods.  It could be out on the lake.  Maybe it’s a kitchen table and cup of coffee at dawn.  Or a living room chair after all the kids are off to school.  A walk through your neighborhood or a chair on your deck.  Just be sure you have some place, some time when it’s just you and your Lord.  At His feet.  Soaking in “that good part.”