Several weeks ago, we began a Sunday morning journey through the book of Romans. In the series, the coming chapters will show the overwhelming guilt and condemnation we all face as sinners. As I’ve considered that, my thoughts were led to Psalm 130, where the Scripture says, “If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?” The word “mark” has the idea of “taking strict account.” When I think of a “strict accounting” of my sin, there is no way I can stand and proclaim innocence or even provide excuses. No, it’s just the opposite. I must shrink in fear and guilt before the horrifying fact of my wickedness. I must cower in expectation of divine judgment from a just God. I look at my hands and see that I have nothing to offer but my “filthy rags” of Isaiah 64:6. My sin is too great, my debt overwhelming. If verse 3 of Psalm 130 were all there was, I would be a miserable, hopeless person indeed. But there’s verse 4! A phrase that brings pardon instead of condemnation, joy instead of guilt, hope instead of judgment, and a robe of righteousness instead of filthy rags! A phrase that in six simple words makes a powerful, eternal, saving difference! It says, “But there is forgiveness with Thee.” The blood of Christ cleanses from all sin, lifts me to my feet, makes me a blessed child of the King, and clothes me in the righteousness of the Savior. By the way, He can do the same for you. I hope He already has. And if He has because you’ve trusted him, remember this: you’re forgiven! For whatever trial you’re facing, whatever stumble you’ve made, or whatever guilt you’re feeling, do this: look to God and cry out “There is forgiveness with Thee!” It will encourage you in your trial. It will pick you up from your fall. It will extinguish the burning of that guilt. That’s the power of God’s gracious forgiveness!