I sat to write about one thing, but a few minutes ago a phone call changed that.  Through a member of our church, I just spoke with someone I was in Bible college with over 40 years ago.  I don’t think I’ve seen him or have spoken to him since our college days (sometimes you just lose touch).  And you know what?  He’s still faithfully ministering, pastoring a church in Alabama.  We talked for a few minutes, and he mentioned some other grads from the college that he’s stayed in touch with who are still faithfully serving in their ministries.  The conversation didn’t last very long, but what a blessing!  Brought back a lot of memories of classes, papers, the camaraderie of dorm life, long work nights, wonderful chapel messages, and a lot more.  I’m not sure if I’m putting this into words very well, but I guess the blessing of seeing the steadfastness of others is something that can keep one going himself.  Anyone that’s been serving the Lord any length of time, whether in full-time ministry or not, has been tempted to throw in the towel or get sidetracked.  But staying true to our God-given responsibilities can be used by God to bless and encourage others.  I guess that’s my point for today.  I need to be faithful because it’s the right thing to do; however, it’s also something that could keep someone else in the fight.  Honestly, you never know who’s watching.  Let’s all take a moment this afternoon and ask the Lord that, by His grace, He would keep us true to our calling, steadfast in our service, and faithfully following the Savior until He comes for us.  Be a blessing to someone by your steadfastness!  Just like that voice from the past was for me today.