The other day I saw a sign that said, “No matter how hard life gets, never let go of God’s hand.”  A good thought and very true.  Life does and always will have its hard times; of that there is no doubt.  And we should never let go of His all-powerful hand; no doubt there, either.  But as I read that statement, a thought immediately popped into my head.  “What if I just can’t hold on any more?”  We can get to that point, you know.  There may be times when you’ve held on about as long as you can.  You don’t want to let go.  You know you need to keep trusting, but your strength to do so is gone.  Used up.  On empty.  What do you do then?  You keep reaching.  Like Peter.  Remember him?  In Matthew 14, Peter found himself out of the storm-tossed boat and walking on water.  But then he felt the wind’s fury and saw the breaking waves.  Fear gripped his heart, and as he sank, he felt the cold waters of the Sea of Galilee pulling him down, down, down.  He had no strength to make it to Jesus.  He couldn’t hold on.  All he could do was cry out – and he did.  Then the Bible says a wonderful thing happened.  “And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand and caught him.”  Peter didn’t have to hold on to Jesus; Jesus held on to him.  The prophet Isaiah said it this way in Isaiah 41:13: “For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.”  Rest in that thought today.  When you feel as if you can’t hold on another second, don’t despair.  He’s got you.  Just keep reaching in faith, and God will hold your hand.