It just keeps coming up this week.  I can’t get away from it, so I decided to write about it.  No, I’m not talking about the extensive media coverage of the new president’s first two weeks in office, although it has been interesting.  And it’s not the Super Bowl coverage either, even though the Falcons are playing in the big game for just the second time in their history.  By the way, Rise Up!  The subject for today comes from a thought that the Lord has placed on my heart over and over in the last several days.  It concerns the importance of His Word and our desperate need to spend time in its pages.  It was something He put on my heart to share with our church last Sunday morning in our “Building the Body” series.  Then, it appeared this week in the current chapter of the book we’re reading for our Men of the Word Bible study.  And since I couldn’t get away from it, the truth ended up as a devotion I shared on Wednesday in a local elementary school chapel.  You see, the Bible should be an essential part of our daily routine and not just something we pick up and carry to church.  The patriarch, Job, said it well, even in the midst of the heavy grief of his trials.  “Neither have I gone back from the commandment of His lips; I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food” (Job 23:12).  Now Job didn’t have the completed Bible that we have, yet he still valued the revelation that God had given him.  You see, to Job it appears that God’s word was more than just a blessing, although it certainly is.  It was more than a guide for life, and it is that, no doubt.  To Job, the word of God was sustenance absolutely necessary for his walk in this world, just as food and drink are for the body’s life and health.  And that’s the attitude we should have.  So that’s the question I ask myself today.  It’s a question for you as well.  Do we truly consider God’s word essential to our spiritual well being?  Without it, do we stand a chance in this world full of temptations and trials?  The answer to the question is only seen in the priority we give it in our schedules.  God’s word.  Is it important?  Sure.  But do we treasure it “more than my necessary food”?  Good question.