Peace.  We want it.  We need it.  We seek it.  We’ll have it, then lose it.  When there’s no peace, confusion can reign.  Poor decisions can be made.  Anger can rear its ugly head.  Relationships can be shattered, both horizontally with others and vertically with God.  Now I’m not talking about outward or circumstantial peace; that’s often out of our control.  I’m referring to that inward peace, that strength and calm inside that can weather the storm.  I read a verse this week that is a great reminder about peace, true peace, sustaining peace.  2 Thessalonians 3:16 says, “Now the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always by all means.”  Look at this verse, drink deeply of its truth, and allow it to soothe the parched, dry soul.  It speaks of the Person of peace.  It comes directly from the “Lord of peace Himself.”  No middleman!  Yes, He cares that much.  Stop searching around you and look up.  Then, there’s the presence of His peace, seen in that beautiful word “always.”  The peace He gives can outlast any trial, any attack, or any enticement.  Of course, this requires staying focused on our Lord with a heart of faith, even when we do not and cannot understand the why’s or when’s.  Lastly, there is the power of His peace.  Do you see it?  It says, “by all means.”  One commentator put it like this: “By all means, methods, occasions, instruments, and occurrences…peace in every form and shape.”  I think that kind of peace has everything covered, doesn’t it?  There’s nothing too strong or out of the reach of His peace that He gives to his trusting child.  Peace.  We want it.  We need it.  We seek it.  Let’s make sure we seek it in the right place.