I can’t imagine what was going through her mind and even less begin to describe the agony of her soul. Giving birth, the early years of His growing and learning, seeing Him become a man, and watching Him minister. We don’t know much about those first 30 or so years, but the last 3 before this moment were a perfect example of a roller coaster. Highs and lows. Miracles and menacing mobs. Glorious adoration and bitter accusations. Love and hate. All leading to this moment. The moment Mary stood looking up at the mangled and almost unrecognizable crucified body of her Son. Perhaps at that moment she recalled the words spoken by Simeon all those years ago when he held the baby Jesus, blessed the Lord, and then pointedly said to her, “A sword shall pierce through thy own soul also” (Luke 2:35). But as indescribable as Mary’s feelings were that day, infinitely more so were the sufferings and agony of Her Son. His body was broken, His blood was being poured out, and He who knew no sin was made to be sin for us. The weight of all the sin of all the people of all the world for all time was crushing Him. The divine wrath that all mankind deserves cascaded in torrents upon Him. And in those hours when all the world was on His mind and heart, the Lord Jesus still took time to consider her, His mother. Read John 19:25-27. It’s there. Jesus made sure Mary was cared for, because He understood just what she needed in that moment. His actions and words on that day sure bring full meaning to the words, “Honor thy mother.” With this example of our Lord’s care for Mary, we must never consider ourselves to be too busy, too distracted, too overwhelmed, or too hurt to take time for mom. No, we’re not the Creator of the Universe, but we can be the son or daughter she needs. Let’s commit to that on this Mother’s Day!