When you’re tired, it doesn’t take much.  For me it was a parking place.  Silly, right?  It had been a long day of ministry in the Bronx on last week’s missions trip, and around 9 p.m., while negotiating the New York city expressway system, I missed an exit.  Not a big deal thanks to Google Maps, but I hate to miss exits.  Then when we got back to the hotel, there were no free parking places that the hotel has a limited supply of (a common problem in NYC).  The only option was the parking garage next door.  “Only” $30 for overnight.  And I hate to unnecessarily spend money more than I hate to miss exits.  I put on a pretty good front (I think), but there was a lot of grumbling going on in my heart.  And God saw my heart.  The next morning, part of my Bible reading was Psalm 40, and a phrase in verse 8 got me.  No, convicted me would be a better term.  “I delight to do Thy will, O my God….”  To “delight” simply means that one takes pleasure in, favors, and is pleased by doing God’s will.  This “delighting” sounds simple, but you know as well as I do that sometimes God’s will takes us into places and circumstances that are less than delightful.  Of course, it’s easy to delight when things are going smoothly, but what about those “no parking places” days?  Or how about when there’s a real crisis?  Do I still take pleasure in God’s will and stay faithful to Him?  Paul and Silas sang praises in prison (Acts 16), and I grumbled about a parking fee.  What I faced that night was simply everyday living in that metropolis, and I let it get to me.  But I sure learned a good lesson though, one I think I’ll never forget.  Lord, help me to always delight in Your will, no matter what or where!