If you’re old enough, you may remember this.  If not, that’s what YouTube is for.  It’s the early 1970’s ad campaign for Mennen Skin Bracer that featured a slap in the face and the catch phrase, “Thanks; I needed that!”  The ads tried to show that using the product after shaving would wake a man up and get him going, even when he was struggling or didn’t feel like it.  It was quite popular and got my attention, even though I wasn’t really old enough to shave.  Anyway, I had what I guess you could call a spiritual “Skin Bracer” moment this week as I went over a section of the book we’re reading for the Men of the Word study we have each Thursday morning.  The book is a biography of missionary Nate Saint, and it mentioned a phrase from his journal that he penned as he began looking to serve as a missionary after struggling with the direction of his life.  He wrote, “Selfish ambition is a dull and ungrateful pursuit.  I’m glad that the Lord finally got some sense through my thick head.”  There it was!  A “Thanks; I needed that!” moment.  It’s quite easy to get our eyes on our goals, our plans, our wants, our desired outcomes.  We forget what Paul said when he wrote “For to me to live is Christ.”  It was good to be reminded that for me, life is my Savior, not me.  One commentator phrased it like this: “My sole aim in living is to glorify Christ. He is the Supreme End of my life, and I value it only as being devoted to His honor.”  That sure beats the “dull and ungrateful pursuit” of living for self!  Thanks, Lord; I needed that.