Ever heard the phrase, “That made my day!”?  Or, “You just made my day!”?  When spoken truthfully, i.e. non-sarcastically, that means something said or done turned a day into a positive one.  But have you ever had a day when everything just seemed to go wrong?  I recently read about a man who was having this sort of day and went outside to clear his head.  He saw his neighbor’s daughter digging a hole in her backyard.  Curious, he asked her why she was digging a hole. “My goldfish died, and I’m burying it.”  The man replied, “That hole seems awfully big for a goldfish.  Why are you digging it so large?”  She quipped, “Oh that’s because my goldfish is inside your mean cat.”  That guy needed something to turn his day around.  Maybe you’re just like him.  You’re wishing something or someone would come along and make your day.  Good news!  Someone already has!  Psalm 118:24 says, “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”  Not every day could be classified a “good day,” but every day is certainly a “God-made day.”  In fact, there may be nothing good about your day but God.  But at the end of the day, isn’t it God that matters most?  Concerning this verse, one commentator wrote that each day “is a gracious opportunity; I will improve it to His glory.”  So if you’re wishing someone would go ahead and make your day, just remember that Someone already has!