It’s been 15 years. 15 years since the event when, as many have said, “everything changed.” September 11, 2001. A business-as-usual day was shattered by sudden explosions, uncontrollable fires, frantic cries for help, last words with loved ones, falling bodies, collapsing towers, a burning Pentagon, and a debris-strewn crater in a Pennsylvania field. And 2,996 souls in eternity. As our nation’s mind tried to come to grips with the events of 9/11, “Why?” seemed to be the #1 question. Many tried to answer it, but to this day I don’t believe we really know the exact reason why. Yet, I believe that the “Why?” isn’t as important as the “What?” As in “What did we learn from 9/11?” Or at least should have learned. Yes, in the weeks following that day, there was much talk about God, many prayers lifted up, and numbers of seekers in churches. Yet, statistics tell us that within a few months the spiritual climate as a whole had moved back to a pre-9/11 level. Now, there’s no doubt that individuals were changed, and many people today can trace their walk with Christ back to the effects of that September day. However, as a nation, I’m afraid we’ve forgotten what we should have learned, if we ever learned it at all. This weekend we will remember those who lost their lives. And we should. We will commemorate those first responders who sacrificed their lives for others. And we must. We will show respect for the passengers of Flight 93 whose courageous resistance put the plane down in an empty field instead of the heart of the Capitol building. And it’s right to do so. But may I say this? In all our nation’s remembering this weekend, it makes my heart ache to know that we haven’t remembered that feeling of needing God as we did on that day. On September 11, 2001, we needed Him. But on September 11, 2016, we need Him just as much. You see, we’re still taking the life of the unborn, we continue to shove God out of the public arena, we’ve condoned perverse lifestyles, and we’ve begun to sanction a type of marriage that blasphemes the holy standard that God ordained at the beginning of time. So this weekend as we remember that awful day, would you commit to remember our need of God? To pray fervently for your country? To exalt God in your life and home? And to honor God by standing publicly for His truth, speaking it always in love? Remembering the events and people of that day loses its significance if we forget what we learned. God help us.