It’s been somewhat mind-boggling.  Between the Men of the Word study group focus on apologetics and the recent topics in our new Wednesday night series on the doctrine of God, I’ve studied and taught things about the grandeur of our God, the immensity and complexity of His creation, the logical proof that points to Him, and other truths that are truly beyond my comprehension.  It’s no wonder that Job 11:7-8 says, “Canst thou by searching find out God? Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?  It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; what canst thou know?”  It’s certainly made me thankful that I don’t have to understand Him to know Him!  But a thought came to me as I meditated on Him this morning.  It’s a truth that I’m afraid can get lost in all the complex theological and apologetical facts concerning our God.  It’s a truth that amazes, humbles, and motivates all in one simple word.  “Forgiven.”  The fact that a holy and just God forgives an unworthy sinner like me is a truth I can embrace and experience.  It’s a truth that’s as simple as a song.  “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”  So if you don’t quite understand the cosmological, teleological, anthropological, or transcendental arguments for the existence of God or the mathematical and statistical probabilities of the origin and existence of the universe or even the “one in essence and three in Person” description of the Triune Godhead, don’t sweat it.  If you can understand you’re forgiven…redeemed…justified…or, in simple terms, saved, you have a handle on what matters most.  Since these thoughts crossed my mind early this morning, there’s another song that I can’t get out of my head. “When I think of all my faults and all my failures / When I consider all the times I’ve let God down / I am humbled at the grace He has extended / I’m amazed at the mercy I have found / I could never earn His love on my own / Yet every time I come before His throne / I stand redeemed by the blood of the Lamb / I stand redeemed before the great I AM / When He looks at me, He sees the nailed scarred Hands that bought my liberty / I stand redeemed!”  It’s that wonderfully and gloriously simple!