The examples in Scripture are many. God’s people calling out to Him in times of crisis. Israel at the Red Sea. Joshua before Jericho. Gideon and the Midianites. Elijah and the prophets of Baal. Jeremiah in the dungeon. Christ’s disciples in the storm. Peter in prison. Indeed, it is a wonderful comfort to know that when we need Him in the moment of hard trial and heavy burden, God is there. But I recently read a statement that made me stop and think. It’s something so true but rarely emphasized. A perspective easily forgotten but dangerous to do so. Simple words, yet words carrying the very heartbeat of the Christian walk. The statement was, “You need God every day, whether you’re facing a storm or not.” You might be thinking, “I know that!” But are you living it? Is your time in God’s word and prayer just as important to you when the skies are sunny as when they are dark and stormy? Are your eyes locked on Him when the road is smooth as much as they are when the way is rocky, rough, and filled with obstacles? Is your commitment to purity and holiness just as fervent on the delightful days as it is in the desperate ones? Take some time to think about it today. “You need God every day, whether you’re facing a storm or not.” I know I do.