It seems to happen every year about this time. I look at the calendar and see Thanksgiving right around the corner, and I’m struck at how fast it seemed to arrive this year. It feels as if I just wrote the “Pastor’s Heart” about the new year’s empty pages waiting to be written. I know every day is 24 hours and every week 7 days, but at times it sure doesn’t seem that way, does it? That’s why the Lord had Paul pen the words in Ephesians 5:15-16, “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise; Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” That simply means to wisely and diligently make the most of the time we have. That’s what the Lord has reminded me of this week. We only have a certain amount of time in this world, and we must use it wisely for Him, whether it be related to school, job, home, or church. So students, go ahead and jump on those projects and preparations for finals. At work? Budget your time to meet that deadline with a job well done. I’m sure you have some “honey-do’s” around the house to get started on; I know I do. Most importantly, what you’re going to do for God, do it now. There might be that one you’ve been meaning to witness to. Or maybe that note of encouragement you’ve thought about writing. Perhaps a special gift for a missionary or someone in need. What about that sin you need to get victory over or those personal devotions and prayer time you’ve been putting off? Or it may the most tragic of all the procrastinations: your decision to trust Christ for salvation. This week I read the statement, “Some people tell themselves that they will work twice as hard tomorrow to make up for what they did not do today. If they can work twice as hard tomorrow, then they should have also worked twice as hard today.” In other words, redeem the time. Today.